The third is concerted one. The theoretical study results show that the favorite exo and endo reaction paths of 1,3-cyclohexadiene with propylene are the stepwise processes via biradical intermediates, in which the terminal carbon of propylene attacks 1,3-cyclohexadiene at the first step. 经计算研究表明:1,3-环己二烯与丙烯生成exo和endo产物的有利途径为经过一个双自由基中间体的分步过程,由丙烯端位碳原子先进攻的分步过程最为容易。
The Derivation of Selection Rules for Concerted Reaction 关于协同反应选择定则的推导
It is found that the titled reaction is a concerted but nonsynchronous reaction, the formation of H-H bond is ahead the breaking of C-H bond. 研究结果表明乙炔加氢反应是一协同的非同步反应,H-H键的生成早于C-H键的断裂。
In the concerted mechanism, two ethylene molecules co-adsorb on the acid site. The reaction proceeds via simultaneous protonation and formation of C-C bond to give the butoxide product. 对于同步反应机理,两个乙烯分子共同吸附在分子筛酸性位,然后质子化和分子间C-C键结合同时进行,形成表面丁醇盐产物。